Building Product Standards

Formed in 1898, ASTM is one of the largest and most diverse international standards developing organizations in the world. ASTM publishes standards for more than 100 industrial and management sectors, including metals, paints, plastics, textiles, petroleum, construction, energy, the environment, consumer products, medical services and devices, electronics, and many others. ASTM Committee E60 provides a focal point for the ongoing development of ASTM International sustainability standards. Committee E60 currently is focused on standards work related to buildings, related infrastructure, and hospitality, including:

NSF International
NSF International is a not-for-profit with over 65 years of experience as a developer of U.S. national standards. Using its ANSI-accredited process, NSF has written more than 70 standards that protect public health and the environment. Using multi-stakeholder groups, NSF is facilitating the development of sustainable product standards for the following:

UL Environment
UL Environment helps companies create more sustainable products and receive recognition for their environmental efforts. UL Environment is currently developing environmental sustainability standards for a range of building products. The standards will establish the basis for identifying environmentally preferable products, based on environmental sustainability criteria associated with the product's manufacture, distribution, use, and eventual disposal. The requirements in UL Environment standards will be developed based on the life cycle stages of the associated products. Standards Technical Panels (STPs) being formed this year include:

  • Wallboard
  • Doors, Door Frames, and Associated Hardware
  • Thermal Insulation
  • Lighting - Interior and Exterior Luminaires/Components/LED Modules
  • Plastics
  • Roofing Systems and Materials
  • Stone, Ceramic, Clay, and Glass Building Materials
  • Suspended Ceiling Materials and Systems
  • Glazing Materials, Windows, and Associated Hardware and Accessories

Additional Resources
NCHH web page: Green Building Analysis [HTML]
NCHH Report: "How Healthy Are National Green Building Programs?" [HTML]
Green Building Alliance (Pittsburgh): Green Building Product Certification and Labeling Systems [PDF]

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